An Invitation For Robin – রবিনের জন্য আমন্ত্রনপত্র
প্রশ্ন A1. Read the letter (চিঠি বা পত্র) again and then answer the following questions.
a. Why was Robin excited (উত্তেজিত)?
b. How would he go to the country (গ্রাম)?
a. Robin was excited getting a letter of invitation from his aunt.
b. He would go to the country by bus.
প্রশ্ন A2. Write a few sentences to your own (নিজে নিজে) with the following expressions (অভিব্যক্তি):
a. I would like you to ___________.
b. Would you please ___________.
a. I would like you to come and stay with us.
b. Would you please come and stay with us for a few days?
c. I would like you to be a teacher.
d. I would like you to attend all the classes.
e. Would you please attend all the classes?
e. I would like you to get GPA 5.
প্রশ্ন A3. Write a similar invitation letter (আমন্ত্রন পত্র) to a friend. Tell him/her about some of the things you plan to do together (একত্রে).
Dear Kamal,
I am very happy to know that you are getting a long holiday (ছুটির দিন) very soon. I would like you to come and stay with us for some days.
I know you will like the city. You never (কখনো না) came to Dhaka before. So you will enjoy your visit to Dhaka. You will really be happy.
I am very excited and making a lot of plans (পরিকল্পনা) to do together. I have chosen some interesting places to visit with you. We will go to the zoo (চিড়িয়াখানা), the museum (জাদুঘর), the Shishu park (শিশু পার্ক) and so on.
Let me know when you will arrive (পৌঁছানো). My parents have already talked to your parents. Yet, tell them not to worry (চিন্তা). The bus stops close to our house. And we will receive you at the bus station.
Your loving friend,
প্রশ্ন B1. What do you think is the main idea (ধারণা) of the letter? Choose the best (সবচেয়ে ভাল) answer:
a. To ask his aunt to invite him again (পুনরায়).
b. To thank his aunt (খালা) for inviting him.
c. To tell his aunt that he learned (শিখেছিল) many things in the country (গ্রাম).
Answer: b
প্রশ্ন B2. Discuss in groups (দল) what is meant by the following expressions (অভিব্যক্তি):
a city boy – একটি শহুরে বালক
a whole new world – একটি সম্পূর্ণ নতুন জগৎ
miss someone – কাউকে খুব অনুভব করা
Rabeya : Can you tell me what you mean by a city boy?
Lata : A boy living in a city.
Lovely : What do you mean by whole new world?
Rabeya : A place that someone had never seen.
Shahjahan : Right, it is a place where someone has come for the first time.
Badhon : What do you mean by miss someone?
Shadon : It is the feelings for someone from heart in his/her absence.
Raju : Well, but I think it means remembering someone again and again.
Rabeya : You’re right.
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