*প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি নিন আমাদের সাথে * বিসিএস পরীক্ষা এর প্রস্তুতি নিন আমাদের সাথে* আনলিমিটেড টেস্ট রয়েছে আপনার জন্য এই ব্লগে * নতুন ও আপডেট তথ্য পেতে পাশের "follow/অনুসরণ" বাটনে ক্লিক করুন * নিজেকে আরো বেশি সমৃদ্ধ করুন * আপনার শিশুকে কাব কার্যক্রমের সাথে সম্পৃক্ত করুন * আপনার বাড়ি, বিদ্যালয়, অফিসের আঙ্গিনায় সবজির বাগান করুন, নিরাপদ ও বিষ মুক্ত খাদ্য গ্রহণ করুন * করোনার কমিউনিটি স্প্রেইডিং রোধে সামাজিক দূরত্ব বজায় রাখুন * অযথা পাড়া বেড়ানো, চায়ের দোকানে আড্ডা পরিহার করুন * পরিবারে অধিক সময় দেয়ার চেষ্টা করুন * ঘরে থাকুন, নিরাপদে থাকুন *

Class 6 English For Today For Today Lesson 5 Thanks for your work


Thanks For Your Work-তোমার কাজের জন্য ধন্যবাদ


প্রশ্ন A. Look and say (দেখ এবং বলো). Use suitable (উপযুক্ত) words (শব্দ) from the box to describe (বর্ননা করতে) the occupation (পেশা) of each person below.

Newspaper Hawker: সংবাদপত্রের ফেরিওয়ালা
Nurse: সেবিকা   
Cleaner: পরিষ্কারকারী
Rickshaw-Puller: রিকশাওয়ালা  
Waiter: হোটেলের পরিচারক
Postman: ডাকপিয়ন













1. This man is a cleaner.
2. This man is a postman.
3. This woman is a nurse.
4. This man is a waiter.
5. This man is a rickshaw-puller.
6. This man is a newspaper hawker.

প্রশ্ন A1. Choose (বাছাই কর) appropriate words from the box (ছক) to complete the dialogue (সংলাপটি) below. Then act out (অভিনয় কর) the dialogue in pairs (যুগ্মভাবে).

letters: পত্র
restaurant: রেস্টুরেন্ট
streets: রাস্তা
place: স্থান
morning: সকাল

(i) What does a cleaner (পরিচ্ছিন্নতাকর্মী) do?

    A cleaner cleans our houses, office and _______ etc.

(ii) What does a newspaper hawker do?

     A hawker (ফেরিওয়ালা) gives us newspapers every _______.

(iii) What does a postman do?

      A postman delivers _______ and others items to us.

(iv) What does a rickshaw puller do?

      A rickshaw puller takes us from one _______ to another.

(v) What does a waiter do?

   A waiter serves (পরিবেশন করে) food at the _______.



(i) streets

(ii) morning

(iii) letters

(iv) place

(v) restaurant


B. Read (পড়) the text about Bulbul and answer the questions below.


Bulbul collects (সংগ্রহ করে) rubbish (ময়লা) from the Sankar area in Dhaka. Every morning, he wakes up (জেগে ওঠা) at 5 o’clock and walk along the streets of Sankar to collect rubbish. People of Sankar (সংকরের জনগন) put their rubbish in plastic bins (পাত্র) and leave them in from of their houses. Bulbul walks from door to door (দ্বারে দ্বারে) to collect them. Sometimes (মাঝে মাঝে) the bins are very dirty (অনেক নোংরা) and they smell bad. But Bulbul does not mind. He takes out (বাইরে নিয়ে যায়) everything from the bins and put them in his van. He belives (বিশ্বাস করে) that all jobs are important (গুরুত্বপূর্ন). He works hard (কঠিন) every day to keep this area clean.


Last month Bulbul was sick (অসুস্থ ছিল) for two days. So, he could not come (আসতে পারে নাই) to collect the rubbish (আবর্জনা). The people of Sankar were in great trouble (বড় সমস্যা). They got piles (গাদা) of rubbish waiting in front of their house. The whole are became dirty (ময়লাময়) and unhygienic (অস্বাথ্যকর). When Bulbul got well (সুস্থ হয়েছিল), he came back to Sankar. He collected everything from all the bins. Bulbul does not want to fall sick (অসুস্থতায় পড়া) again. He realises (অনুধাবন করা), if he stop working even for a few days only, the whole area (সমস্থ এলাকা) will be turn into a big dustbin.


প্রশ্ন B1. Now, ask and answer (জিজ্ঞাসা কর উত্তর দাও) the question in pairs.

(a) What time does Bulbul wake up?

(b) Where (কোথায়) do the people of Sankar put their (তাদের) rubbish?

(c) Why (কেন) does Bulbul think that all jobs are important?

(d) What (কি)happen when Bulbul became sick?

(e) What will happen (ঘটবে) if Bulbul falls sick (অসুখে পরে) again?

(f) What will you say to Bulbul, if you meet (দেখা হয়) him?



(a) Bulbul wakes up at 5 o’clock.

(b) The people of Sankar (এলাকার নাম বিশেষ) put their rubbish in plastic bins and leave them in front of their house.

(c) Bulbul thinks (মনে করে) all jobs are important because he realises (অনুধাবন করে) that if he stops working only for a few days, the whole area will turn into a big dustbin.

(d) When Bulbul became sick (অসুস্থ হয়েছিল) the people of Sankar were in great trouble. They got (পেয়েছিল)) piles of rubbish waiting in front of their houses. The whole area became (হয়েছিল) dirty and unhygienic.

(e) If bulbul falls sick again, the whole area will be become a big dustbin.

(f)  If I meet Bulbul, I will give him a great thank for his work.


প্রশ্ন B2. Think of a person who helps you live well (ভাল রাখাতে). Write a composition on this person. Now answer the following questions.

a) What does he/she do?

b) How does his/her work help you live well?

c) What time does he/she start his/her work?

d) How does she/he do the work?

e) Does he/she like the job? Why/why not?

f) What will happen if he/she stops working?

g) What do you think about his/her job?


composition on this person:


I know (চিনি) a person who helps us live well. He collects rubbish from our area. His name is  Jalil Ahmed. Every day Jalil wakes up at 5 o’clock and start his works. The people of our area put their rubbish in plastic bins and leave them in front of their houses. Jalil walks from house to house to collect them. Sometimes the bins are very dirty and they smell bad (বাজে গন্ধ ছড়ায়). But Jalil does not mind. He takes out everything from the bin and puts them in a large plastic bag.


Jalil Believes that all work are important. Though many people of our area neglect him, he never stops working. He thinks that he is working for his society. He works very hard to keep our area clean.

Last week, Jalil became sick. So, he couldn’t collect rubbish for three days. The people of our area were in big trouble. They got piles (স্থুপ) of rubbish waiting in front of their house. The whole area became dirty and unhygienic. The bad smell of the rubbish spread the whole area. Then they realized the importance of Jalil.


When Jalil got well, he came back and collected everything. The area became clean again. Jalil does not want to fall sick again. He realises that, if he stop working even for few days only, the whole area will turn into a big dustbin.  


Question’s Answer:

(a) He collects rubbish from our area.
(b) Jalil collects rubbish from our area. He makes our area dirty and bad smell free that helps us live well.
(c) He starts his work early 5’oclock in the morning.
(d) Jalil walks from house to house to collect the rubbish. He takes out everything from the bin and puts them in a large plastic bag.
(e) Yes! He like his job because he believes that all work are important.
(f)  If he stop working even for few days only, the whole area will turn into a big dustbin.
(g) I think his job is not easy and lots of responsibilities are there.


প্রশ্ন B3. Underline all the verbs in text on Bulbul (B)-(এই অংশ নিজে চেষ্টা কর নিচের প্রদত্ত শব্দগুলোর সাহায্যে). Write down the past form of the verb in the present tense. Also write down the present form of the verb (ক্রিয়াপদ) in the past tenses.



Present Tense

Past Tense

















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