*প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি নিন আমাদের সাথে * বিসিএস পরীক্ষা এর প্রস্তুতি নিন আমাদের সাথে* আনলিমিটেড টেস্ট রয়েছে আপনার জন্য এই ব্লগে * নতুন ও আপডেট তথ্য পেতে পাশের "follow/অনুসরণ" বাটনে ক্লিক করুন * নিজেকে আরো বেশি সমৃদ্ধ করুন * আপনার শিশুকে কাব কার্যক্রমের সাথে সম্পৃক্ত করুন * আপনার বাড়ি, বিদ্যালয়, অফিসের আঙ্গিনায় সবজির বাগান করুন, নিরাপদ ও বিষ মুক্ত খাদ্য গ্রহণ করুন * করোনার কমিউনিটি স্প্রেইডিং রোধে সামাজিক দূরত্ব বজায় রাখুন * অযথা পাড়া বেড়ানো, চায়ের দোকানে আড্ডা পরিহার করুন * পরিবারে অধিক সময় দেয়ার চেষ্টা করুন * ঘরে থাকুন, নিরাপদে থাকুন *

Class 6 English For Today Lesson 8 Grocery Shopping


Grocery Shopping-মুদি দোকানে কেনাকাটা


প্রশ্ন A1. Look (তাকাও) at the shopping list (কেনাকাটার তালিকা) below. You have read the conversation above (নিচে কথোপকথনটির লিং দেয়া হয়েছে). Now put a tick (√) against the items that Imran will buy and put a cross (×) against the items he will not buy. Write the quantity (পরিমাণ) of the items he is buying in the last column.


To view the conversation click here.


Potatoes (আলু)
½ kg
Tomatoes (টমেটো)
1 kg
Onions (পিয়াজ)
Cauliflower (ফুলকপি)
2 piece
Beans (শিম)
½ kg
Eggplants (বেগুন)
Eggs (ডিম)
1 dozen
Oil (তেল)
1 litre
Salt (লবন)
Sugar (চিনি)
1 kg
Milk (দুধ)
1 litre
Carrots (গাজর)
Cucumber (শসা)

প্রশ্ন B1. Discuss the following questions in pairs (যুগ্মভাবে).


(a) How many items did Imran buy?


Imran bought nine items.


(b) What varieties (প্রকারের) of vegetables (শাক-সবজি) were available in the market?


In the shop there were beans, potatoes, tomatoes, cauliflowers etc.


(c) Why do you think Imran asked the salesman (বিক্রয় প্রতিনিধি) to use a paper bag? Discuss with your class friends (শ্রেণি বন্ধু) and then write down one or two reasons (কারন).


Imran asked the salesman to use paper bag because he wanted to take all the items in one bag or he was aware of the bad sides of plastic bag.


(d.) “Thank you, here is the change…..”. What does the word ‘change’ mean here?


Here, the word ‘change’ means the rest of the money that salesman returns to Imran.


প্রশ্ন B2. Read the sentences (phase) in the eight speech bubbles (আটটি এলোমেলোভাবে সাজানো বাচ্যার বাক্য). Put them in the right order (সঠিক ক্রমেঃ 1 to 8) to write down the conversation in your notebook.


1. Excuse me!

2. Yes, how can I help you?

3. I want to buy an ice-cream.

4. Sure! There you go.

5. How much is it?

6. 20 taka.

7. Here you are.

8. Thank you!


প্রশ্ন C. Discuss in pairs (যুগ্মভাবে আলোচনা কর) how you talk about quantities when you go shopping (কেনাকাটা করিতে). Match the phrases (বাক্যাংশ) in column A and the items (জিনিসগুলো) in column B below to make an imaginary shopping list. Write down the list in your notebook.

a cup of _____
a loaf of _____
a packet of _____
 a tube of _____
half a kilo of _____
a dozen _____
a box of _____
a roll of _____
a _____
a jar of _____
a sheet of _____
poster paper
facial tissue
note book


-A can of honey.

-A can of coke.

-A loaf of bread.

-A packet of facial tissue.

-A tube of toothpaste.

-Half a kilo of honey.

-A dozen eggs.

-A box of chocolates.

-A box of pencil.

-A roll of poster paper.

-A note book.

-A jar of paint.

-A sheet of poster paper.


প্রশ্ন C1. Look at your shopping list (কেনাকাটার তালিকা) again. Can you say which items are available (পাওয়া যায়) in what kind of shops (দোকান)? There are different shops such as grocer’s (মুদি দোকান), baker’s (রুটির দোকান), stationer’s (লেখাপড়ার জিনিসের দোকান), etc. selling different things. Put the items under the proper headings (শিরোনামের) in the table below.



1. a dozen of eggs.
2. a box of chocolates.
3. a can of coke.
4. a toothpaste.
1. a loaf of bread.
2. half a kilo of honey.
3. a can of honey.
1. a tube of paint.
2. a roll of poster paper.
3. a box of pencil.
4. A notebook.

প্রশ্ন D. Work in groups. Create a mini market in the classroom. Put some signs (চিহ্ন) like the Baker’s, the Grocer’s, the Stationer’s etc. Some of you play the role of shop assistants (দোকান সহকারী) and some others will be customers (ক্রেতা). Now the customers move round the room from one shop to the other asking the price (দাম) of the items shown in the pictures below. Use the following model.

A:  Have you got any noodles?/ Do you have any noodles?

B:  Yes, I have. / Yes, I do.

A:  How much are they?

B:  Taka twenty-five a packet.

A:  Can I have two ppackets, please?

B: Here you are. That’s taka fifty altogether.

A: Thank you.



A: Do you have any pencil box?

B: Yes, I do.

A: How much are they?

B: Taka one hundred and eighty a box.

A: Can I have one box, please?

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you.



A: Do you have any biscuit?

B: Yes, I do.

A: How much are they?

B: Taka thirty five a packet.

A: Can I have two packets, please?

B: Here you are. That’s taka seventy altogether.

A: Thank you.



A: Do you have any eggs?

B: Yes, I do.

A: What is its price per a dozen?

B: Taka one hundred and ten a dozen.

A: Can I have a dozen, please?

B: Here you are.

A: Thank you.


A: Do you have any tube of Toothpaste?

B: Yes, I do.

A: How much is it per tube?

B: Taka forty per tube. How many do you need?

A: I need three tubes?

B: Here it is. That’s taka one hundred and twenty altogether.

A: Thank you.


A: Have you got any set of pencil?

B: Yes, I have.

A: How much is it?

B: 90tk per set.

A: Can I have two sets, please?

B: Of course, Here it is.

A: Here your 180tk.


A: Do you have any calculator?

B: Yes, I do.

A: What is its price?

B: Taka 250 only.

A: Alright, give me this?

B: Here it is.

A: Thank you. Here your money.


A: Can I get any loaf of bread from your shop?

B: Yes, you can. Take this. It is good.

A: How much is this?

B: Taka thirty-five.

A: Can I have two loaves of bread, please?

B: Here it is. Total cost is 70tk.

A: Thank you.


A: Do you have onion?

B: Yes, I have.

A: What is its price per kg?

B: Taka 40 per kg.

A: Give me 2kgs, please?

B: Here it is.

A: Here your 80tk is.


A: Do you have any cake in your shop?

B: Yes, I do.

A: What is its price?

B: Taka 400 per kg.

A: Can I have a kilo, please?

B: Here it is.

A: Take your taka 400.

প্রশ্ন E. Fill in the blanks (শূন্যস্থানসমূহ) with ‘some’ or ‘any’.

1) Are there _______ flowers in the garden?

2) Yes! these are _______ roses and ________ lilies.

3) What about jasmine? Are there _______ jasmines?

4) No, there aren’t ________ jasmines.

5) Do you have _______ idea why I’m asking you all these?


1) any

2) some, some

3) any

4) any

5) any

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