We Live In a Global Village: এক বৈশ্বিক গ্রামে আমরা বাস করি
প্রশ্ন A. Look (তাকাও) at the picture and discuss with your partner what you see in them.
My Partner : What do you see (দেখ) in the pictures?
Myself : I cannot understand (বুঝতে পারা) picture 1. Do you understand?
My Partner : In picture 1, the UN peacekeeping Mission (শান্তিরক্ষা মিশন) is distributing food, water and medicine among the local people.
Myself : You’re right. Now, I can tell you about picture 2.
My Partner : Ok, Tell me.
Myself : I think some children are playing football in a field. And a member of UN mission is also trying to play with these children.
My Partner : Right! They are doing a great job.
Myself : You’re right.
প্রশ্ন B1. Now, match (মিল কর) the words in column A with their meaning in column B.
challenging – ঝুকিপূর্ণ
maintain – বজায় রাখা graduation – স্নাতক clash – বিরোধ global – পৃথিবীব্যাপী |
keep up – চালিয়ে রাখা
international – আন্তর্জাতিক difficult – কষ্টকর university degree – বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের উপাধি fight – সংগ্রাম |
challenging -à difficult
maintain -à keep up
graduation -à university degree
clash -à fight
global -à international
প্রশ্ন B2. Read silently (শব্দহীনভাবে) the text in B again. Then ask (জিজ্ঞাসা কর) and answer (উত্তর দাও) the following questions.
1. Where is Congo?
2. Who call Gurmit Singh ‘Mr Global Citizen’? Why?
3. What do you mean by ‘global citizen (বিশ্ব নাগরিক)’.
1. Congo is a central country in African.
2. Mr. Zul and other fellow members of UN peacekeeping mission call Gumit Sing ‘Mr. Global Citizen’. He is called so as he has been/gone to a number of countries for his education and profession.
3. Global citizen means a person who works to promote (প্রচার) peace, justice, education and brotherhood (ভ্রাতৃত্ব) all over the world.
প্রশ্ন B3. Make a list of five questions you would like to ask Gurmit if you meet him.
1. Why did you leave India?
2. How do you feel working for the people here?
3. Where are your group members from?
4. Where do your parents live now?
5. How do you enjoy teaching children here?
প্রশ্ন C. Listen (শোন) to the CD/audio and fill in the following gaps (শূন্যস্থান).
[শূন্যস্থানের পূর্বে a,b,c…. বসানো হয়েছে শুধুমাত্র শূন্যস্থানগুলোকে পর্যায়ক্রমে বুঝানো ও উত্তর প্রদানের সুবিধার্থে।]
The team ‘global village’ was (a) _______ used by Marshal McLuhan. In 1962 and (b) ________ he wrote two books on media and communication (যোগাযোগ). In his books (এই বইয়ে) he said that telephone, electronic media and TV have brought all mankind (মানবজাতি) close to one another. For example, if we see the news of floods (বন্যা) in a distant country on TV, we feel that we are also (c) _______ there. We can see what is happening (ঘটিতেছে) at the same moment (সময়ে). We can share the same suffering (ভোগান্তি) with the people who are in the real (d) _______ at the moment. McLuhan believed (বিশ্বাস করতেন) that electronic (e) _______ would make the word a global village. When he first said about the idea of global village (বৈশ্বিক গ্রাম), the Internet was not invented (আবিস্কৃত হয়নি). but now, personal computers and the Internet have made McLuhan’s idea more (f) ______ than ever. Now the entire globe is (g) ______ in a world-wide web called ‘The Internet’.
(a) first
(b) 1964
(c) present
(d) disaster
(e) technology
(f) possible
(g) caught
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