*প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি নিন আমাদের সাথে * বিসিএস পরীক্ষা এর প্রস্তুতি নিন আমাদের সাথে* আনলিমিটেড টেস্ট রয়েছে আপনার জন্য এই ব্লগে * নতুন ও আপডেট তথ্য পেতে পাশের "follow/অনুসরণ" বাটনে ক্লিক করুন * নিজেকে আরো বেশি সমৃদ্ধ করুন * আপনার শিশুকে কাব কার্যক্রমের সাথে সম্পৃক্ত করুন * আপনার বাড়ি, বিদ্যালয়, অফিসের আঙ্গিনায় সবজির বাগান করুন, নিরাপদ ও বিষ মুক্ত খাদ্য গ্রহণ করুন * করোনার কমিউনিটি স্প্রেইডিং রোধে সামাজিক দূরত্ব বজায় রাখুন * অযথা পাড়া বেড়ানো, চায়ের দোকানে আড্ডা পরিহার করুন * পরিবারে অধিক সময় দেয়ার চেষ্টা করুন * ঘরে থাকুন, নিরাপদে থাকুন *

Agrani Bank 2010 (Officer) Preliminary Question with Solution


Agrani Bank 2010 (Officer) Preliminary Question with Solution

নিচে Check Answers বাটনে ক্লিক করলে আপনার Score ও সব প্রশ্নের উত্তর পাবেন। পুনরায় পরীক্ষা দিতে চাইলে clear বাটনে ক্লিক করে পেইজটি reload বা Refresh করে নিন।

1. I can’t give assurance ___ help.

2. It ___ raining since Monday.

3. Before Karim ___ into the operating room, the nurse wrote ‘yes’ on his right thigh, above his bad knee.

4. The spider scrambled hurriedly ___ a corner.

5. The spider scrambled hurriedly ___ a corner.

6. My father will discipline me for my action here displine means-

7. Choose the correct sentence:

8. The meaning of the word amass is:

9. One-half of the employees of a company earns over Tk. 18000 per month. One-third of the remainder earns between Tk. 15000 and Tk. 18000. What part of the staff earns below Tk. 15000?

10. If a car can drive 25km on two litters of octane, how many litters will be needed for a trip of 150 km ?

11. Rahim is now 10 years youngere than karim. If in 5 years karim becomes twice as old as rahim, how old will rahim be in 3 years ?

12. The producer sells a good to the wholesaler at a profit of 20% and the wholesaler sells it to the retailer at a profit of 10%. What is the original price of the good (in taka) if the retailers buys it for Tk. 244?

13. The length of a rectangular floor is one and a half times its breadth. What is the perimeter of the floor if its area is 216 sq meters.

14. There are 900 students in a school 4% of them left the school and 50% of the remaining are girls.how many girls remained in the school ?

15. The price of sugar increased by 10%. What % of consumption of sugar is to be reduced in order to keep the expenditure on sugar at the same level?

16. 68% of the candidates in a recruitment test have passed the written part of it. The number is 14 less than what would have been in case 75% would have passed. What was the number of candidates appeared?

17. if the cost of X liters unleaded CNG priced at Tk. 1.24 per liter is equal to the cost of X+2 liters of regular CNG priced at Tk. 1.16 per liter, then the value of X is-

18. Which one of the following is the largest?

19. There were twice as many as boys in a class. If 30% of the girls and 45% of the boys have already handed over their reports, what percent of the students have not yet done so?

20. If the product of 20% of 85 and 40% of 45 is divided by 4 the result would be-

21. The price of a loaf of bread increased by 20%.How many loaves can be purchased now by the amount of money used to buy 300 loaves at the earlier price?

22. An emergency vehicle travels 10 miles at a speed of 50 miles per hour. how fast must the vehicle travel on the return trip if the round trip travel time is 20 minutes?

23. If the average of 5,6,7 and w is 8 the value of w is-

24. An empty swimming pool with a capacity of 5760 gallons is filled at the rate of 12 gallons per minute, how many hours would it take to fill the pool to the capacity?

25. The first NCB to register in the stock market is-

26. The largest solar power plant in the world is in

27. Against which test playing team Bangladesh has won the first cricket test scries?

28. If Mamun were twice as old as he is now, he would be 40 years older than Jamal. If Jamal is 10 years younger than Mamun, how old is Mamun?

29. The name of the Indonesian currency is-

30. Which country is the last one to join OPEC ?

31. The name of the device used in measuring carthquake is

32. Dhaka stock Exchange was established in

33. Present name of the country syam is -

34. How many foreign commercial banks are now operating in Bangladesh ?

35. How many gas fields have been identified for exploration in bangladesh ?

36. Which one is the largests among the named countries of central asia ?

37. Which of the highest carbon dioxide emitting country in the world?

38. Which is the only asian country to become the member of G-8 ?

39. Which of the following is an output device in computer ?

40. Number of bits in a byte is-

41. Which one is a storage device ?

42. The hexadecimal number 9 is equivalent to -

43. A complete microcomputer system consists of

44. What is an icon?

45. Bar codes are most common in-

46. The computer stores its program and data in its-

47. What kind of secondary storage is provided by magnetic disks?

48. Records on magnetic tape are often ground into ___ in order to enhance reading -

49. 1 byte is equal to-

50. Which one is not a part of CPU?

51. The name of the present prime minister of Nepal is-

52. Laser printers are known as-

53. Which is the largest unit of storage?

54. কোনটি শুদ্ধ?

55. The rose is a fragrant flower এর সঠিক অনুবাদ কোনটি ?

56. পরকে প্রতিপালন করে যে এক কথায় হবে ?

57. ইদুর কপাল বাগধারাটির অর্থ -

58. সেপ্টেম্বর নিরক্ষরতা দিবস ?

59. পরষ্পর শব্দটির সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ কর ?

60. ঘাটের মরা বাগধারাটির অর্থ-

61. ব্যবহারকারীর সংখ্যা বিচারে পৃথিবীতে বাংলা ভাষার স্থান কততম?

62. ‘দৃষ্টান্ত’ শব্দটির সঠিক সন্ধিবিচ্ছেদ কোনটি?

63. অহরহ শব্দটির সঠিক সন্ধি বিচ্ছেদ কোনটি?

64. ‘পুরাধ্যক্ষ’ শব্দটির সঠিক সন্ধিবিচ্ছেদ কোনটি?

65. ‘ভাগ্যের দোহাই দেওয়া’ বাগধারাটির সমর্থক কোনটি?

66. সারেং বৌ উপন্যাসের চরিত্র কোনটি?

67. Hybrid শব্দের বাংলা পরিভাষা কি?

68. Antonym: Meticulous

69. Antonym: Alleviate

70. Antonym: Proximate

71. Synonym: Lucid

72. Synonym: Affluence

73. The meaning of the word dearth is :

74. If Tk. 4500 was invested in a share when the price per share was tk. 90 and tk. 30000 was invested when price per share was tk. 60, what was the average price per share purchased?

75. Who was the first martyr among the seven Birsresthas of the war of liberation?

76. শুদ্ধ বানান কোনটি ?

77. Choose the appropriate word as synonym Evasive:

78. Find the value of (0.1 x 0.01 x 0.001)+(0.2 x 0.02) x 0.002

79. . If x = 5y = 16 and x = -3 then the value of y is -

80. Which of the following is an save button in computer key board ?

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