*প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক নিয়োগ পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি নিন আমাদের সাথে * বিসিএস পরীক্ষা এর প্রস্তুতি নিন আমাদের সাথে* আনলিমিটেড টেস্ট রয়েছে আপনার জন্য এই ব্লগে * নতুন ও আপডেট তথ্য পেতে পাশের "follow/অনুসরণ" বাটনে ক্লিক করুন * নিজেকে আরো বেশি সমৃদ্ধ করুন * আপনার শিশুকে কাব কার্যক্রমের সাথে সম্পৃক্ত করুন * আপনার বাড়ি, বিদ্যালয়, অফিসের আঙ্গিনায় সবজির বাগান করুন, নিরাপদ ও বিষ মুক্ত খাদ্য গ্রহণ করুন * করোনার কমিউনিটি স্প্রেইডিং রোধে সামাজিক দূরত্ব বজায় রাখুন * অযথা পাড়া বেড়ানো, চায়ের দোকানে আড্ডা পরিহার করুন * পরিবারে অধিক সময় দেয়ার চেষ্টা করুন * ঘরে থাকুন, নিরাপদে থাকুন *

Class 7 English First Paper Model Question Unit 4 Lesson 2 : A teacher (2)

English For Today Model Question

Class: Seven

Subject: English

Time: 3 hours                                              Full marks: 100

[N.B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]

Section A : Reading (Total Marks 40)

1. Read the text first and then choose the best answer to the following questions from the alternatives given. You do not need to reproduce the whole chunk of the answer. Only the corresponding number of the answers will do.
Shahana’s husband Mr Zamil Huda works in a company office (শাহানার স্বামী জনাব জামিল হুদা একই বেসরকারি অফিসে কাজ করেন). His firm has a vacant position (তার প্রতিষ্ঠানে একটি শূন্যপদ আছে). On several days he told Shahana, ‘I want you to apply for the post (বেশ কয়েকদিন তিনি শাহানাকে বলেছেন, ‘আমি চাই তুমি এই পদটির জন্য আবেদন কর’).’ But Shahana said, ‘please don’t insist (কিন্তু শাহানা বলল, ‘দয়া করে জোর কোরো না’). I’m joining the local high school as a teacher (আমি স্থানীয় উচ্চ বিদ্যালয়ে শিক্ষক হিসেবে যোগ দিচ্ছি).’ ‘What do you find in a teaching job, Shahana (তুমি শিক্ষকতা পেশায় কি খুঁজে পাও, শাহানা)? I don’t want you to do it (আমি চাই না তুমি এটা কর).’ Her in-laws were also on his side (তার শ্বশুরবাড়ির লোকজনও তার স্বামীর পক্ষে ছিল). Yet Shahana joined the school against the will of the family (তবুও শাহানা তার পরিবারের ইচ্ছার বিরুদ্ধে বিদ্যালয়ে যোগ দিলেন).

Weeks and months went by (সপ্তাহ, মাস পার হয়ে গেল). Every day Shahana helps with the household work (প্রত্যেকদিন শাহানা গৃহস্থালির কাজকর্মে সাহায্য করেন). Every day she works hard to prepare her lessons (প্রত্যেকদিন তিনি তার পড়ার বিষয় তৈরি করতে প্রচুর পরিশ্রম করেন). Every day she goes to school, teaches her students and helps both weak and bright ones (প্রত্যেকদিন তিনি বিদ্যালয়ে যান, ছাত্রছাত্রীদের পড়ান এবং দূর্বল ও মেধাবী উভয় ধরনের ছাত্র-ছাত্রীকেই সাহায্য করেন).

They often come to her in teachers room, in the corridor and even on the road, and talk to her about any academic or personal problems (তারা প্রায়ই তার কাছে শিক্ষকদের রুমে, বারান্দায়, এমনকি রাস্তায়ও দেখা করতে আসে এবং তার সাথে তাদের পড়াশোনা ও ব্যক্তিগত সমস্যা নিয়ে কথা বলে).

Within a year Shahana becomes a very good teacher (এক বছরের মধ্যেই শাহানা খুব ভালো শিক্ষক হয়ে ওঠেন). Students give her salam wherever they see her (শিক্ষার্থীরা তাকে যেখানে দেখে সেখানেই সালাম দেয়). Teachers, even the Head Teacher, admire her (শিক্ষকগন এমনকি প্রধান শিক্ষকও তার প্রসংসা করেন). Parents and other people in the community come to see her at home and at school and pay her great respect (সমাজের অন্যান্য লোকজন তার সাথে দেখা করতে তার বাড়িতে ও স্কুলে আসেন এবং তাকে অনেক সম্মান করেন).

One day her husband said, ‘you’ve opened my eyes, Shahana (একদিন তার স্বামী বললেন, ‘শাহানা তুমি আমার চোখ খুলে দিয়েছ). Teaching is more than a job (শিক্ষকতা চাকরির চেয়েও অনেক বেশি কিছু). I didn’t know it (আমি এটি জানতাম না). Congratulations (অভিনন্দন)!

‘Thank you,’ she smiled (তিনি মৃদু হেসে বললেন, তোমাকে ধন্যবাদ).

‘Tell me, Shahana, how you could be such a great teacher (শাহানা আমায় বল, কীভাবে তুমি এরকম একজন মহান শিক্ষক হলে)!’ Zamil wanted to know (জামিল জানতে চাইল).

‘I don’t only teach my subject, I care for my students (আমি শুধু আমার বিষয়েই পড়াই না, আমি আমার ছাত্র-ছাত্রীদের যত্ন নেই). I love them (আমি তাদের ভালোবাসি). I myself demonstrate good behavior and inspire them to be good (আমি নিজে তাদের সাথে ভালো আচরন প্রদর্শন করি এবং তাদের ভালো হওয়ার পেরণা দেই). That’s all I do,’ replied Shahana (আমি শুধু এগুলই করি, শাহানা উত্তর দিল).

Now choose the correct answer to each question from the alternatives given and write the corresponding number of the answers in your answer script.         0.5×10=5
1. His farm has a vacant position. Here ‘farm’ means@
a. work-school     b. work-place
c. work-culture     d. work-behaviour
2. Which one of the following words has a similar meaning of ‘vacant’?
a. newly b. tasty c. guilty d. empty
3. But Shahana said, “Please don’t insist”. What does ‘insist’ mean?
a. inspire     b. request c. refuse d. force
4. Her in-laws were also in his side. What does ‘in-laws’ mean?
a. lawful relatives     b. loyal relatives
c. relatives by marriage
d. distant family members
5. They often come to her in the teacher’s room, in the corridor and even on the road… Here ‘corridor’ means@
a. passage  b. room c. field d. market
6. Teachers and Headteacher admire her. The meaning of the word ‘admire’ is@
a. honour     b. dislike c. fight d. blame
7. At the beginning Zamil was@
a. in favour of his wife’s decision
b. against her wife’s decision
c. respected her wife’s decision
d. curious about her wife’s decision
8. Zamil congratulated his wife later because
a. Shahana earned a lot
b. Shahana gave him salam
c. everyone respected Shahana
d. students came to see her
9. What was Zamil’s reaction to see his wife’s success?
a. Teaching is helping others.
b. Teaching can’t give anyone anything.
c. Teaching is showing good behaviour.
d. Teaching is more than a job.
10. Shahana became a good teacher because
a. she did a lot for students b. she was very strict
c. she was powerful d. she earned a lot of money
Answers : 1. b 2.d 3. d 4.c 5.a 6.a 7. b 8.c 9.d 10.a
2. Read the following text and answer the questions.
Helen Keller was a great humanitarian. She deeply cared for the people who were sick and injured. These disabled people could not use a part of their body. Helen worked for these disabled people all through her life.
Helen was born in 1880 in Tuscumbia. Her father was Captain Arthur Keller and mother Katherine Admas Keller. Her family was not rich and its main source of income was cotton plantation.
Helen was quite healthy when she was born. But in 1882 she had a fever and she became blind, deaf and dumb. At that time her father was a newspaper editor. He told Alexander Graham Bell about Helen. Bell, the inventor of telephone, was working with deaf children that time. Later bell met Helen and her parents. He suggested Perkins School for the Blind in Boston for Helen.
Captain Arthur went to the director of the school, Michael Anaganos. Mr Anaganos sent one of his best students called Annie Sullivan to help Helen in 1887. Annie greatly helped Helen to communicate.
Now write answers to the following questions in your scripts.             2×5=10
1. List the important persons in Helen’s life. (recalling/remembering)
2. Who did Helen help during her life? (understanding)
3. What was the occupation of the Kellers? (remembering)
4. How did Helen lose her eye sight as well as speech? (understanding)
5. Do you agree that Annie Sullivan gave Helen a new life? Why/why not? (analysing)
A question setter does not need to write the category of question in parenthesis as written above. This is just to make the points clear for question setters.
Probable Answers
1. Captain Arthur Keller, Katherine Admas Keller, Alexander Graham Bell, Michael Anaganos, Annie Sullivan (Only the names are enough as this is a list. However, if any student writes the names in complete sentence, s/he cannot be penalized or given extra credit.)
2. During her life Helen helped the disabled people. / Helen helped the people who could not use a part of their body.
3. Their occupation was cotton plantation. / The occupation of the Kellers was cotton plantation
4. When Helen was two years old, she had a fever that made her blind, deaf and dumb. / When Helen was two years old, she had a fever. Gradually she lost her eye sight as well as speech.
5. Helen lost her eye sight as well as speech only at the age of two. At one stage her father contacted Perkins School for the Blind in Boston. They sent Annie Sullivan for Helen’s help. Annie taught Helen how to communicate with others without using speech. Therefore, definitely Annie gave Helen a new life.
3. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Kazi Nazrul Islam is the national poet of Bangladesh. He was born on May 24, 1899 at Churulia village in the Burdwan district of West Bengal. His father was Kazi Faqeer Ahmed and mother was Zahida Khatun. His father died when he was only 9 years old. He went through hardship from his childhood. He is known as a ‘rebel poet’ that stands for ‘Bidrohi Kobi’ in Bangla. He wrote many poems, novels, songs, shorts stories, plays, essays etc. His major works are Notuner Gaan, Bidrohi, Dhumketu, Agniveena, Bandhan Hara etc. but he is most famous for his poem ‘Bidrohi’. In 1945, Nazrul was awarded the Jagattarini Gold Medal by the University of Calcutta. After fifteen years he was awarded the Padma Bhushan title by the Government of India. In 1972, the Government of Bangladesh brought him and his family to Dhaka. He was also awarded the Ekushey Padak by the Government of Bangladesh in February, 1976. After six months he died.
A. Complete the following table with the information given in the passage.     1×5=5

Answer : a) 1908 b) his childhood c) Bidrohi
d) 1960 e) August, 1976
B. Read the text and answer the following questions.
Rabindranath Tagore was a great Indian poet. He was born on 7th of May in 1861 at Jorasanka, Kolkata. His father was Maharsi Debendranath Tagore and mother was Sarada Devi. He took his early education at home, not from any school. In 1878, he went to England for his formal schooling. However, he did not complete it. He returned to India and opened his own school named Santiniketan in Bolpur. This school later became a university. He wrote thousands of poems, nsongs, plays, short stories, essays and articles. His major works are Manasi, Sonar Tori, Gitanjali, Balaka, Gora, Ghare Baire, Shesher Kobita etc. He is known as Bishwa Kobi. He earned Nobel Prize in literature in 1913. One of his songs, “Amar Sonar Bangla”, is the national anthem of Bangladesh. The national anthem of India was also composed by him.
Now read the following statements. Write (T) in your answer script if the statement is true. Write (F) if the statement is false. If false, write the correct answer. You do not need to copy the statement in your script. Only the corresponding number of the statement will do.                 1×5=5
i) Rabindranath Tagore went to London at the age of seventeen.
ii) He had his early education from a local school.
iii) Rabindranath Tagore took higher education from England.
iv) From the beginning Santiniketan is a university.
v) Gitanjali is one of his great works.
Answers :
i) T ii) F. Correct Answer : He had his early education at home.
iii) F. Correct Answer : Rabindranath Tagore did not complete his higher education.
iv) F. Correct Answer : At the beginning Santiniketan was a school. v) T
4. Read the text below and complete it with suitable words given in the box.     0.5×10=5  

Roufun, a girl of class seven, went to a book fair in her town. This was her first book fair (a) ¾ though she had heard about it (b) ¾ her friends and relatives. When she (c) ¾ the fair, she was so amazed (d) ¾ see the colourful book stalls and (e) ¾ types of people. They all were (f) ¾ varied age, status, culture, and look. (g) ¾ salesperson smiled at Roufun and asked (h) ¾ he could help her when she (i) ¾ crossing a stall. Roufun wanted to (j) ¾ a book of Jafar Iqbal and she had it. She smelled the book for long and then again and again.
Answers : a) experience b) from c) entered d) to
e) different f) of g) A h) how i) was J) buy
5. Match the texts given in column ‘A’ and ‘B’ to write five complete sentences.     1×5=5

Answers : i) Everyone has to know the value of hard work, commitment and determination in achieving success.
ii) Playing sports can help you learn these values.
iii) Sports can also teach you so much about yourself and the world around you.
iv) You are able to modify your personality and habits positively by sports.
v) All successful athletes and players could realise the need of these qualities to make their dreams true.
6. Rearrange the following sentences in correct order in your answer script. You do not need to reproduce the sentences in your script. Only the corresponding numbers of the sentences need to be written.       0.5×10=5
a) Makeshift refugee camps in Cox’s Bazar take in a large population of the Rohingya.
b) Other illnesses similar to malnutrition have also been an unfavourable condition.
c) In order to avoid torture, they often flee to Bangladesh as refugees.
d) As a result, many have been suffering from malnutrition.
e) The Rohingya are a minority group of people living in Myanmar.
f) They are also tortured.
g) However, a shortage of supplies, food and water has been sweeping these camps.
h) Ultimately, the Rohingya face cruel conditions wherever they go.
i) They are Muslims and face a great deal of discrimination.
j) Due to little access to medical care, even these common diseases cause fatality.
Answer : e+ i+ f+ c+ a+ g+ d+ b+ j+ h

Section B : Writing (Total Marks : 40)

7. Read the opening of a story below and complete it in 10 sentences.              10
Two men were traveling together. Suddenly, they came across a bear. One of them quickly climbed up a tree and concealed himself in the branches. The other man did not know how to climb a tree. He realized he would be attacked. So, he fell flat on the ground…
Suggested answer : He knew a bear never touches a dead animal. The bear came up to him. It felt him with its snout and smelt him all over. All this time, the man held his breath. He was trying to present himself like a dead man. The bear was convinced and left him soon. When it was gone far away, the other man came down from the tree. He jocularly asked the lying man, “What did your friend whisper in your ears?” “He gave me a good advice,” the man replied. “He advised me never to travel with a friend who leaves me at the approach of danger.”
8. Write an e-mail on how you celebrated the last victory day in your school.         10
Suggested answer :
To ………@gmail.com
Subject : Celebration of Victory Day

Dear Sumaiya
At first take my cordial love. I’m delighted receiving your email. You wanted to know about the celebration of the last Victory Day in our school. Now I’m giving a short description about of that ceremony.
You know Victory Day is a red letter day in our history. So every year we celebrate the day with great honour. On the last 16 December we all came to the school at 9 a.m. The school was decorated nicely with balloons, festoons and placards. Students arranged a cultural programme and they also took part in some competitions. The programme started at 10a.m. with national anthem. Then we enjoyed the main programme. After the cultural program our Head Teacher distributed prizes among the winners. At last she delivered her valuable speech and thanked all. The programme ended at 2p.m. We all enjoyed the day very much.
No more today, hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend
9. Sayed is visiting different places of Sylhet with his uncle. He is talking with Shamim about the visit over telephone. Now, write a dialogue between Sayed and Shamim.     10 Suggested Answer :
Sayed : Hello!
Shamim : Hello, Shamim here.
Sayed : Hi Shamim! Did you call me yesterday?
Shamim : Yes, I did. But you didn’t answer me back. Are you alright?
Sayed : Yes I’m fine, Shamim. I’m sorry that I could n’t receive your call. In fact
I’m in Sylhet now ?
Shamim : Wow! How did you go there and with whom?
Sayed : Well, I came here by train and with my uncle. Yesterday I went to a tea garden. I
was so happy that I was hopping like a kangaroo. You know, it was my first visit
to a garden in Sylhet.
Shamim : How exciting! I wish I could go there with you. What other places have you
visited so far?
Sayed : Well, I’ve already visited Lawachhara forest. You know it’s a safe place for wild
animals like elephants, monkeys, deer, wild hens, ducks, birds etc.
Shamim : How exciting your life is! I’m not as lucky as you are. Please tell me everything
when you come back.
Sayed : Sure. See you very soon.
Shamim : See you. Bye now.
10. Answer the following questions into a continuous paragraph on “Friendship”.    10
What is friendship?
How is friendship developed?
What are the qualities of good friends?
What are the benefits of friendship?
Why should we be careful about choosing friends?
Suggested Answer : Men/women of similar dispositions are naturally attracted towards each other. In course of time, intimacy grows between them. They begin to trust each other. This is called friendship. Friendship, generally, grows between people of the same age and dispositions. They have similar passions, emotions and sentiments. A friend can be a companion, workmate, class-mate or any person with whom our feelings of affection are attached. Good friends are trustworthy, loyal and honest. They easily forgive us for our mistakes. They do not hesitate to give us valuable suggestions for our benefits. They share their moments of joy with us. At the same time, they freely ask us for help when in need. Most importantly, Good friends value our presence in their life. People pass their days cheerfully in the company of friends. Our pleasure grows greater when we share good news with our friends. In distress, friends help one another. They also act as our honest guides or mentors. When we are confused, we can always approach our friend to discuss our confidential matter and seek his opinion. But there are some people who are friends of good time only. They are attracted by power or money and they leave us in our odd times. We need to be careful in choosing friends and we should stick to those who are friends in need. Thus, true friendship is a solace and a boon. Those men are fortunate indeed who have got really true and sincere friends.


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