3rd Term
Class: Five Subject: English
Time: 2:30 hr Full
Marks: 100
Read the
text and answer the question 1, 2, 3 and 4:
My home district is Kishoreganj (আমার নিজের জেলা কিশোরগঞ্জ।). It is about 145 kilometres
from Dhaka (এটি ঢাকা থেকে প্রায় ১৪৫ কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত). It is a district
headquarters (এটি একটি জেলা সদর দপ্তর). The district has
8 municipalities, 13 upazilas, 108 unions and 1745 villages (জেলায় ৮টি পৌরসভা, ১৩টি উপজেলা, ১০৮টি ইউনিয়ন ও ১৭৪৫টি গ্রাম রয়েছে). The name
Kishoreganj comes from the name of an old landlord known as Brojakishore
Pramanik or Nandakishore Pramanik (কিশোরগঞ্জ নামটি ব্রজকিশোর প্রামাণিক বা নন্দকিশোর প্রামাণিক নামে পরিচিত এক বৃদ্ধ জমিদারের নাম থেকে এসেছে). The area of Kishoreganj municipality is
about 10 square kilometres (কিশোরগঞ্জ পৌরসভার আয়তন প্রায় ১০ বর্গ কিলোমিটার). The river Narasunda flows through
the town (নরসুন্দা নদী শহরের মধ্য দিয়ে প্রবাহিত হয়েছে).
Kishoreganj is a small town, but there are
many important places in and around it (কিশোরগঞ্জ একটি ছোট শহর, কিন্তু এর ভিতরে এবং এর আশেপাশে অনেক গুরুত্বপূর্ণ স্থান রয়েছে). The largest Eid fairgrounds
called Solakia Eid Ground and the well-known Government Gurudayal College are
in the town (সোলাকিয়া ঈদ গাহ নামে বৃহত্তম ঈদ মেলার মাঠ এবং সুপরিচিত সরকারি গুরুদয়াল কলেজ রয়েছে এই শহরে). People from many
districts come to this place to celebrate Eid (অনেক জেলা থেকে মানুষ ঈদ উদযাপনের জন্য এই স্থানে আসে). The Pagla Mosque
is also in my home district (পাগলা মসজিদও আমার নিজের জেলায় অবস্থিত). Outside the town, you can visit
the fort of Isah Khan at Jangal Bari (শহরের বাইরে, তুমি জাঙ্গল বাড়িতে ঈশা খাঁর দুর্গটি দেখতে পার). You can also see the Shah Muhammad
Mosque at Egaroshindhur (তুমি এগারোসিন্ধুরের শাহ মুহাম্মদ মসজিদও দেখতে পার). Near the
Fuleshwari River, you can see the Shiva Temple of Chandrabati (ফুলেশ্বরী নদীর কাছে, তুমি চন্দ্রবাটির শিব মন্দির দেখতে পার).
Kishoregonj is also the home district of
some famous people (কিশোরগঞ্জ কিছু বিখ্যাত মানুষেরও নিজ জেলা). Chandrabati, the
first woman poet of Bangla literature, was born here (বাংলা সাহিত্যের প্রথম নারী কবি চন্দ্রবাটি এখানে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন।). Two writers of
children's literature, Upendrokishore Roy Chowdhury and Sukumar Roy are also
from here (শিশুসাহিত্যের দুই লেখক উপেন্দ্রকিশোর রায়চৌধুরী এবং সুকুমার রায়ও এখান থেকে এসেছেন). The great painter
Zainul Abedin comes from Kishoregonj, too (মহান চিত্রশিল্পী জয়নুল আবেদিনও কিশোরগঞ্জ থেকে এসেছেন).
Syed Nazrul Islam, the first acting
President of Bangladesh, is also from here (বাংলাদেশের প্রথম ভারপ্রাপ্ত রাষ্ট্রপতি সৈয়দ নজরুল ইসলামও এখান থেকে এসেছেন). I love my home district (আমি আমার নিজ জেলাকে ভালবাসি)!
1. Write only the answer on the answer paper: 10
Which river flows through the Kisharganj?
The Padma (b)
The Jamuna
The Fuleshwari (d) The
How far is Kishorganj from Dhaka?
145 Kilometers (b) About 155
(c) About
155 Kilometers (d) About 165
(iii) Which
are the biggest Eid ground of Bangladesh?
(a) National
Eid Ground (b) Chittagona Central Eid Eid Ground
(c) Solakia
Eid Ground (d) Khulna central Eid ground
(iv) Brojakishor
Pramanik was a..........
(a) landlord ((b) businessman (c) Story writer (d) artist
(v) Where
is the fort of Isha Khan?
(a) Sonargaon (b) Paharpur (c) Rajbari
(d) Jangal Bari
(vi) Who
made the shiva Temple?
(a) Fulmoti (b) Chandrabati (c) Alomoti (d) Moynamoti
(vii) How
many upozilas are there Kishorganj?
(a) 13 (b)
14 (c) 15 (d) 14
was Zaainul Abedin?
(a) A great poet (b) A
great printer
(c) A great singer (d) A
great Dramatist
(ix) What
is past from verb?
(a) seen (b) saw (c) see (d) sew
(x) The
opposite word of come is.........
(a) go (b) arrive (c) appear (d) reach
2. Match the words column A with their meaning
that is mentioned in the
column B: 5
Column A
Column B
(a) Important
(b) Kilometers
(c) Mosque
(d) Well-known
(e) Poet
(i) Very Familiar to the people
(ii) Having a great value
(iii) A unite of distance
(iv) Who writes poem
(v) A building where Muslims
Say their prayer
3. Answer the following questions: 10
a) How
many villagers are there in Kishorganj district.
b) Why
do people come to solakia Eid Ground.
c) How
did Kishorganj get its name?
d) How
was the first action President of Bangladesh?
e) Write
the names of two writer children literature of Kishorganj.
4. Write
short composition about ‘Your Home District’ in at least five
sentences. (Remember to use capital letters, full
stops and correct
Read the
text and answer the question 5, 6, 7 and 8:
Runa is a student in class five. She wants to
be a good student. She has elder brother named Rana. He is good student in
class eight and good cricketer. This year, Runa will take part in Primary
Education Completion Examination. So, they are both going study hard. Runa’s
mother is nurse and her father is a book seller. They are very busy in their
duties. So they cannot always take proper care of Runa and Rana. They are
feeling little worried about how Runa will do in the exams even though she is
studying regularly to make sure she has a good result. She wants to get GPA 5.
Their parents hope that both Runa and Rana will do well. Runa and Rana are very
helpful and friendly to each other. Rana takes care of his sister. He helps Runa
to prepare her lessons. Sometimes, Rana helps his father in the book shop and
Runa helps her mother to cook food. Runa is proud of her family.
5. Write only the answer on the answer paper: 10
(i) Rana
is good.........
(a) Singer (b)
(c) Cricketer (d)
(ii) What
class Runa read in?
(a) Four (b) Five (c) Six (d) Seven
(iii) Who
helps Runa to prepare her lessons?
(a) Her father (b) Her
mother (c) Her brother (d) Her tutor
(iv) Whom
does Runa help?
(a) Her brother (b) Her Mother (c) Her father (d) Her sister
(v) How
does Rana help Runa?
(a) To prepare her lesson (b)
To prepare her food
(c) To clean her home (d)
To take to her school
(vi) Runa’s
parent’s cannot take proper care of them because they are.....
(a) idle (b) busy (c) old (d) angry
(vii) Why
should Rana study hard?
To be a good Singer (b) To
be a good cricketer
To be a good book-seller (d) To be
a good student
How will you do well in Examinations?
By studying more (b) By
playing more
By listening more (d) By
singing more
(ix) What
does nurse do?
serves he relatives (b) Serves her parents
Severs her family (d) serves
only old people
(x) Choose
a title for the text.
A book seller (b) A sister (c) A family (d) A student
6. Fill in the gap with best word from the box.
You do not need to
use all the words:
know, book-seller, newspaper, hope, books,
nurse, regularly, proud.
Runa’s father mainly sells........to the customers.
(b) Runa’s
mother is a..............
(c) All
parents .......... their children will do well in examination.
(d) You
should be.............of your family.
(e) Good
students prepare their lessons ..........
7. Answer the following question sentence or
(a) How
many person are mentioned in the text? 1
(b) Which
way does Rana help his father? 2
(c) Why
are Rana’s parents busy? 2
(d) Why
are Rana and Runa studying hard?
(e) Write
three sentences to explain how expect to get a good result
in your exam. 3
8. Write at last five sentences about your
family. 10
9. Imagine, you are Mahin/Alfi. Your friend is
friend wants to do a good result in the examination. Now
letter to your friend advising what he/she will need to do get
good result in the Examination.
10. Read the procedures about how to wash your
hands and answer
How to wash hands
1. Wet your hands with clean water and use
2. Wash both sides of your hands and between
your fingers.
3. Remember to clean your finger nails.
4. Wash your hands thoroughly.
5. Then dry them with clean towel.
What do you need to use to wash your hands? 1
Why do you need to wash your hands? 2
How do you wash hands before eating food? 3
11. Write the days of the week in the correct
order starting with Sunday. 5
12. Rearrange the words in correct order to
make meaning sentences.
Punctuate the sentence correctly: 5
read, class, in, I, five
play, cricket, afternoon, the, we, in
are, old, How, you?
lie, not, do, a, tell.
proud, I, country, my, of, feel
13.Imagine you are Tahsan Mahmud. Your father
is Mr. Nurul Islam and mother is Sufia Begum. You are student of class five.
You went to be a member of your school library. Using the above information
fill up the form: 4
Membership form
2. Father’s
3. Mother’s
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